automation software Archive
Top 3 Reasons your competition is automating their business

Reducing cost and saving time is important to every business, this is especially true in the hyper-competitive world of small businesses. When it comes to business automation there are some misunderstandings, and frankly, some bad information out there. Which is why we are covering what business automation is and
Tips to Stop the Insanity

Whether you believe the genius spoke those words or not, it is without doubt, a genius thing to say. Luckily it does not take a genius to follow his advice. In fact, we have some helpful tips to recognize the insanity and put a stop to it. You are working incredibly hard, investing
3 Tips to Get Organized

To be successful in anything it helps if you are organized. This can be especially true when it comes to business. We all know being organized helps you to achieve goals, reduce stress, and get better results. We also know that it is easier said than done for most
3 Things Gym Owners Need to Know

If a gym wants to increase membership, improve customer loyalty, and reduce long term costs, then providing what their largest group of potential customers wants seems obvious. That’s why successful gyms are catering to the needs of Millennials. Reports show that they are the single largest growing age group
Landing Pages for Beginners: The Ethical Bribery of Landing Pages

A landing page exists to get information from a visitor. The most typical example is to get their email address. There are many ways to implement this, but we prefer the idea of providing huge value in exchange for the customer’s details. This is the idea behind ethical bribery.
The Best Business Tip Ever?

…the best business tip ever…for the the millionth time and I know you have too. In fact, we tell it to our own clients every single day. Curious? Here goes, “Listen to your customers.” This nugget of business wisdom should not be shocking. In our opinion, this is
Why Focus on Mobile with Email Marketing?

The results of recent research on email marketing shows that emails are opened on mobile devices over 66% of the time. With a hefty two-thirds ownership of the email market, mobile platforms need to be a consideration when doing any email marketing. This is especially true when considering the following: Mobile
More Than Just Good Manners

Thank you for all your support and shares. I was raised to say thank you. This small courtesy, drilled into me as a child, has followed me into my professional life. However, I never thought much about it. That’s the interesting thing about learning as a child, you typically