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Landing Pages for Beginners: The Ethical Bribery of Landing Pages

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A landing page exists to get information from a visitor. The most typical example is to get their email address. There are many ways to implement this, but we prefer the idea of providing huge value in exchange for the customer’s details. This is the idea behind ethical bribery.

The Best Business Tip Ever?

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…the best business tip ever…for the the millionth time and I know you have too.  In fact, we tell it to our own clients every single day.  Curious?  Here goes, “Listen to your customers.” This nugget of business wisdom should not be shocking.   In our opinion, this is

Why Focus on Mobile with Email Marketing?

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The results of recent research on email marketing shows that emails are opened on mobile devices over 66% of the time.  With a hefty two-thirds ownership of the email market, mobile platforms need to be a consideration when doing any email marketing. This is especially true when considering the following: Mobile

More Than Just Good Manners

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Thank you for all your support and shares. I was raised to say thank you. This small courtesy, drilled into me as a child, has followed me into my professional life. However, I never thought much about it. That’s the interesting thing about learning as a child, you typically

How can Skeedazz help your start-up?

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When trying to start your business, often one becomes overwhelmed by the demands, needs, tools, efforts, manpower and so much more needed to get going and we at Skeedazz understand the stress of it. After all – we too began as a start-up. Skeedazz is a complete online toolkit.

Earth Day Ideas!

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What can we do for Earth Day? In a world that is becoming more and more tech savvy we are more conscious of the planet. We have news, information and ideas more accessible to help us out. We are able to save the trees by printing a lot less

So you always wanted to start your own business…

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Have you always dreamt of starting your own business? What’s stopping you? According to a 2012 survey conducted for the European Commission by TNS Custom Research, about 51% of Americans would actually prefer to be self-employed. And about 44% think that they might do so in the next five

Bizzflo, Better then Ever!

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Signing up for classes has now become easier then ever! Skeedazz has added the classes portion to its platform enabling any class-provider the ability to manage all their classes online, along with everything else! We aim to keep things simple and easy to increase efficiency for our clients so

Do you Skeedazz?

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If you don’t already ‘Skeedazz’ it’s time to see what you are missing out on! Whether you are starting your business or have been in business for years, Skeedazz provides you with complete business and customer management tools without breaking your wallet. Skeeedazz was born out of the old

Meet our client, Shelley Myers!

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Meet our client Shelley Myers! Starting your own business One of the many awesome things about Skeedazz is that we get to meet amazing individuals all the time! As we get rolling we are looking forward to introducing you to some of our clients as well.  This month we
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