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How to Get Started with SEO

In our last article about search engine optimization we gave a beginner’s overview of how the nuts and bolts of the search engine robots work together. Here we are going to bring the theory into application. Specifically I want to focus on getting started with SEO. These are
“Innovator” or “Laggard”?

Small and medium sized businesses, i.e. those characterised as having 500 or less employees, represent 99.7% of all public and private US businesses. In fact, such businesses also make up almost 50% of total private sector employment in the United States and form a significant backbone of the US

I recently had the opportunity to sit down and interview Jim Kuckie. Jim is a successful entrepreneur, business coach, and founder of Spa Remedy. Beyond all of this though, Jim possesses a unique outlook on running a successful business. It combines an incorrigible optimism with an insatiable desire to
Tips to Stop the Insanity

Whether you believe the genius spoke those words or not, it is without doubt, a genius thing to say. Luckily it does not take a genius to follow his advice. In fact, we have some helpful tips to recognize the insanity and put a stop to it. You are working incredibly hard, investing
Landing Pages for Beginners: The Ethical Bribery of Landing Pages

A landing page exists to get information from a visitor. The most typical example is to get their email address. There are many ways to implement this, but we prefer the idea of providing huge value in exchange for the customer’s details. This is the idea behind ethical bribery.
More Than Just Good Manners

Thank you for all your support and shares. I was raised to say thank you. This small courtesy, drilled into me as a child, has followed me into my professional life. However, I never thought much about it. That’s the interesting thing about learning as a child, you typically