Top 3 Reasons your competition is automating their business

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Published Date:/ 29 / Jul / 2016
Author: Jason Jordan
Published by : Bizzflo Business Software

    Reducing cost and saving time is important to every business, this is especially true in the hyper-competitive world of small businesses.  When it comes to business automation there are some misunderstandings, and frankly, some bad information out there. Which is why we are covering what business automation is and why your competition is using it in the article below, along with an example.


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    What does Automating Your Business Mean?

    Whether your business is mature, or just getting started, there seems to be a never ending list of things that have to get done that only you can do.  This is where business automation plays a critical role in saving time (yours) and money (yours).  Business Automation means giving highly sophisticated software the ability to perform the complicated repetitive tasks that are keeping you from doing what your really passionate about.

    What is my competition doing?

    Did you watch the video above?

    The video above is a perfect example of simple business automation everyone can take advantage of for FREE.  Let YouTube host your videos so that they are available to your customers whenever they want.  As Jim Kuckie, founder of Spa Remedy, said in 5 Steps to Social Media Success, “identify the channels your customers are using”.  Use this automation to offer a channel for customers to get your message without preventing you from delivering on the message with the customer in front of you.

    Our experience has shown us that 3 of the main reasons small businesses are moving to business automation are:

    1.   Time:
      •  task automation can reduce the workload on employees by completing time-consuming paperwork activities, optimizing schedules which will allow everyone to do more with customers.
    2.   Money:
      • payment automation frees you and your team up to do more with customers while enabling them to pay when, where, and how they want.
    3.   Customer:
      • dynamic customer engagement tools allow you to engage with your customers more often, allowing you to gain the critical insight from them on how to grow your business.

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