start up Archive

Tips to Stop the Insanity

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Whether you believe the genius spoke those words or not, it is without doubt, a genius thing to say.  Luckily it does not take a genius to follow his advice.  In fact, we have some helpful tips to recognize the insanity and put a stop to it. You are working incredibly hard, investing

How can Skeedazz help your start-up?

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When trying to start your business, often one becomes overwhelmed by the demands, needs, tools, efforts, manpower and so much more needed to get going and we at Skeedazz understand the stress of it. After all – we too began as a start-up. Skeedazz is a complete online toolkit.

So you always wanted to start your own business…

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Have you always dreamt of starting your own business? What’s stopping you? According to a 2012 survey conducted for the European Commission by TNS Custom Research, about 51% of Americans would actually prefer to be self-employed. And about 44% think that they might do so in the next five
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