Bizzflo, Better then Ever!

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Published Date:/ 29 / Jul / 2013
Author: Jason Jordan
Published by : Bizzflo Business Software

    Signing up for classes has now become easier then ever! Skeedazz has added the classes portion to its platform enabling any class-provider the ability to manage all their classes online, along with everything else!

    We aim to keep things simple and easy to increase efficiency for our clients so that you can focus on doing what you love, like teaching your class!

    Skeedazz has built within its platform:

    – A profile page complete with business information and ability to sign up for classes. Can act as a webpage if you don’t have a website yet.

    – An online class registration platform with Google Calendar integration.

    – A status of enrollment for each class, class descriptions and more.

    – A complete Customer Relationship Management tool (with history and notes)

    – A complete email marketing tool, which can be categorized in groups so you can target market your current and prospect clients

    – Run Promotions and Campaigns!

    – A complete Payment Processing system, including credit card holds and recurring billing!

    – AND so much more!

    Stay tuned for more information on each of the many exciting tools Skeedazz comes with!




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