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Published Date:/ 16 / Nov / 2016
Author: Jason Jordan
Published by : Bizzflo Business Software


    I recently had the opportunity to sit down and interview Jim Kuckie. Jim is a successful entrepreneur, business coach, and founder of Spa Remedy. Beyond all of this though, Jim possesses a unique outlook on running a successful business. It combines an incorrigible optimism with an insatiable desire to raise up everyone around him.

    To get a taste of what I’m talking about check out one of his videos from his Morning Motivational series.

    He has a proven track record of great success through social media so I had originally setup the interview to take the time to capture his Cabergoline steps for success to share with you. I was not disappointed, in fact the timing of our meeting could not have been better. As it turns out, Jim was coming off his most successful social media campaign to date.

    When asked what the secrets to successful social media marketing, he was clear and concise on what it takes to replicate his success.

    Step 1:
    “Identify the channels you are going to use. You do this simply by asking your customers what platforms they use. Then you go out sign-up and learn everything you need to about that platform to connect with your customers the way they want to. I can not stress how important it is to make your customers the priority in every aspect of your business, including social media.”

    Step 2:
    “Identify what content you are going to provide to the customers by….asking customers what type of content they prefer. Some customers like to watch videos on their tablets, others like to read it on their phone, and some may want to listen to it at the gym. If you put what the customer wants at the center of how you build your content then your going to give them what they want.”

    Step 3:
    “Give your customers great content! How do you do that? Ask the customer. Find out what they want to know more about. Is it you, your business, or your products? It should make perfect sense to everyone that giving is better than receiving. This goes for content too. You can change people’s life with great content, but only if they are listening. You have to find out what they want by asking them, then go out and make the best content you can, and give it to them.”

    Step 4:
    “Get engaged with your audience. It’s amazing to have conversations with customers about how to improve anything in your business. This is no different in social media. You have to engage, listen, and trust that people are giving you feedback to make your content better. Take that free advice and actually make the content better. It is the best free consultation about what your customers want that you will ever get.”

    Step 5:
    “Challenge yourself to never stop delivering. If you are engaging with your customer, if you are putting them in the center of everything you do, then you will create value driven content that is valuable to your customers. This will create a relationship where customers will then engage with you to help drive you to new levels. There’s nothing better than challenging your customers, seeing them exceed your expectations, and then challenge you right back.”

    These simple steps really resounded with everyone here at Bizzflo so we decided that we were going to put these practices into place in our own business. You can look forward to more content coming from us moving forward. We would like to take the opportunity here to make sure we are following the steps by asking you to tell us on your platform of choice, WHAT DO YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT NEXT?

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