Published Date:/ 22 / Jul / 2014
Author: Jason Jordan
Published by : Bizzflo Business Software

    treesWhat can we do for Earth Day?

    In a world that is becoming more and more tech savvy we are more conscious of the planet. We have news, information and ideas more accessible to help us out. We are able to save the trees by printing a lot less – and find out where we can plant more trees.

    Here are more great ideas to celebrate our beautiful Earth.

    –       If you have a business, you can collaborate with others in the area to hold an Earth Day fair. This is a great way for the community to learn about your business and make new friends and clients in your neighborhood. Showing your community that you care about the environment and are trying to make a difference is a great way to win them over. Also, if you sell environmentally friendly products this is a great time to tell everyone about it.

    –       Make nature crafts with your family by using objects that would ordinarily be thrown away such as turning used guitar strings into a centerpiece or wear a skirt out of old umbrellas. I once made a summer tote bag out of an old tank top. It was fun to make and I found a new use for my old things instead of throwing it away!

    –       Earth Day is a great time to learn more about the environment and make a commitment to learning more about it. Find out something about a region you are not familiar with and share it with your family.

    –       Volunteer at your local park. This is a great way to give back to your neighborhood and meet the people living in your community. Join the neighborhood Earth Day clean up or organize it if one doesn’t exist yet.

    –       Hold a garage sale for things that you don’t need anymore. It’s a great way to clear up the garage and make some cash too!

    –       Wear green or brown to represent trees and nature!

    –       Ride your bike to work. As the weather gets better this gets easier to do – especially if you live in a city that caters to the biker’s needs.

    Happy Earth Day to everyone! Have a wonderful and safe day.

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