3 Tips to Get Organized

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Published Date:/ 26 / Jul / 2016
Author: Jason Jordan
Published by : Bizzflo Business Software

    Get Organized

    3 Tips to Get Organized

    To be successful in anything it helps if you are organized.   This can be especially true when it comes to business.  We all know being organized helps you to achieve goals, reduce stress, and get better results.  We also know that it is easier said than done for most business owners.  To make the act of doing easier for you I have compiled 3 tips to help you GET ORGANIZED.

    1. Keep Score

    Keeping score isn’t about winning or finishing some race. It is about keeping track of what you think is important. The first step to being organized is identifying what is important enough to keep score of.

    2. Know your Score

    If keeping score is the first step, then knowing the score is the second. Being organized requires you to know how you are doing in the areas you decided to track. This will help you to make informed decisions, and prioritize your attention in the areas that need it.

    3. Score for your Plans

    Your plans, or strategies, should all directly impact what you are tracking.  This means scoring them with the same thing.  Doing this will keep you organized around what is working, what is working the best, and what requires adjustment.

    A helpful hint for staying organized is to setup an automated scoreboard to Keep Score.  You can glance at this throughout your week to help you Know the Score.  It also needs to show the Score for your plans. Here is a good example:Screen Shot 2016-08-05 at 8.59.20 PM


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